Soft Plastic Bait Fishing Techniques for Clear Water

Clear water can present a unique set of challenges for anglers fishing with soft plastic baits. The visibility of the bait and the fish can be greatly increased, which can make it more difficult to fool the fish into biting. However, with the right techniques and strategies, anglers can still be successful in clear water.

Best type of bait

One of the most important things to consider when fishing in clear water is the visibility of the bait. Fish in clear water are able to see the bait more easily, so it is important to use baits that mimic the natural prey of the fish as closely as possible. For example, using natural colors such as browns, greens, and earth tones can help the bait blend in with the surrounding environment. Additionally, using baits that are smaller in size can also help make the bait less visible to the fish.

See more high-quality soft plastic baits from Obee Fishing Co.


Largemouth Bass in clear water are more cautious.

Another key factor to consider when fishing in clear water is the behavior of the fish. Fish in clear water tend to be more cautious and can be more difficult to fool. Therefore, it is important to use techniques that mimic the natural behavior of the fish's prey. For example, using a slow and steady retrieve can help mimic the movement of a wounded or injured baitfish. Additionally, using a subtle and natural presentation such as a drop shot rig can also help mimic the behavior of the fish's natural prey

Another important strategy when fishing in clear water is to fish at the right time of day. Fish in clear water are often more active during the early morning and late evening when the light is low. During these times, the fish are less likely to be spooked by the angler's presence and can be more likely to bite.

Fish the structure!

Fishing structure is also an important aspect of clear water fishing. Fish in clear water tend to hold near structure such as rocks, weed beds, and drop-offs. By fishing these areas, anglers can increase their chances of catching fish. Additionally, using baits that mimic the natural prey of the fish found in these areas can also increase the chances of a bite. 

bass fishing structure in water


In conclusion, fishing with soft plastic baits in clear water can present a unique set of challenges. However, by using natural colors, mimicking the natural behavior of the fish's prey, fishing at the right time of day, and focusing on structure, anglers can increase their chances of success. Additionally, it's important to remember that clear water fishing is a game of patience and persistence, so don't get discouraged if the fish aren't biting right away.